• DNA Blunting Kit, 100 reactions

DNA Blunting Kit, 100 reactions

  • Biotechrabbit
  • BR1101101
  • Na skladě
  • 8 874,00Kč

- OR -
Tento výrobek má minimální množství 1

Dopravné a balné

Transportní podmínky                                  cena se připočítává k položkám v objednávce

mražené na suchém ledu (dry ice)                   690 Kč bez DPH na zásilky v celkové ceně do 45 000 Kč bez DPH, nad tuto hodnotu je dopravné a balné zdarma

Coolpack or Dry Ice


  • Rapid blunting reaction
  • Excellent performance in blunt-ended ligation
  • Ready-to-use blunted product in subsequent ligation


  • Blunting and phosphorylation of double-stranded DNA
  • Preparation of restriction enzyme digested DNA or sheared DNA for blunt-ended ligation

  • Biotechrabbit™ DNA Blunting Kit shows excellent performance in blunting and phosphorylation of double-stranded DNA. The kit is compatible with a wide variety of dsDNA templates such as restriction enzyme digested DNA fragments, plasmid DNA, PCR products with dA-overhang, sheared or nebulized DNA. The kit is optimized for rapid blunting reaction.
  • Component


    Blunting Enzyme Mix

    20× Blunting Enzyme Mix, in storage buffer containing 50% (v/v) glycerol.

    Blunting Buffer

    Optimized 10× Blunting Buffer for rapid blunting reaction.

    10 mM dNTP Mix

    dNTP Mix containing 10 mM dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP in water.

    Product manual